Collection: Black Square Blitz

Test your skills in an individual tournament! No matter what your age, there will be prizes to win.  

Black Square Blitz: 

First Sunday of Every Month

Princes Street Primary 2 - 5pm

Black Square Blitz Points System:

1st Place: 50 points

2nd Place: 49 points

3rd Place: 48 points

And so on until

50th place : 1 point

You will need to 200 points to qualify to the Black Square Blitz Finals across the 9 tournaments of March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November.

Please choose either beginner or advanced at the start of the year and only play in division all year.

Points Over 1000 Rating Hobart  Under 1000 Rating Hobart Launceston
Will Dunbabin (50) Jeremy Truong (50) Allan Burn (50)
Yusuf Khodjaev (49) Zachary Wright (49) Lachlan Crawford (49)
Karl Lee (48) Monty Arnol (48) Lachlan Gleeson (48)
Hera Sutton (47) Seth Clement (47) Bailey Burn (47)
Mary Khodjaeva (46) Chloe Puckridge (46)
Sam Banks (45) Elias Fitzallen (45)
Kyler Wang (44) Joshua McAdie (44)
Lachlan Hughes (43) William Shaw (43)
Yien Zheng (42) Noah Cowmeadow (42)
Jethro Sih (41) Forbes Macqueen (41)
Zoe Meredith (40) Harrison Payne (40)
Jessica Hu (39) Jacob Webha (39)
Wes Blain-Lawry (38) Benjamin Bibilioni (38)
Harry Traynor (37) Alex Dechandt (37)
Dorian Griggs (36) Benson O'Brien (36)
Ryan Gu (35) Oliver McAdie (35)
Santi Banez (34)
Daniel Rayner (33)
Gurtegh Shergill (32)
Louie Webb (31)
Jeremy Prajogo (30)
Serina Huo (29)
Nikita Yemtsov (28)
Kai Yasuda (27)
Richard Li (25)
Vincent McCormack (24)
John Wilson (23)
Lucas Goldswain (22)
William Hamilton (21)
Abhiraj Chhetry (20)
Samuel Laslett (19)
Lucas Cheng (18)
Marcus Cheng (16)
Archer West (17)
Miguel Banez (15)
Tasman Bian (14)

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  • Black Square Blitz - Launceston
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